Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Balance the Conscious and Unconscious Minds for Relationship Success

To conclude our discussion on the unconscious mind running our relationships, I want you to remember: There are no accidents in the universe.

We attract what we need and want. If we need a teacher, the right one will appear.

Relationships are failing at an alarming rate; maybe it is time to start learning from our failures.

We can’t consciously think ourselves into a successful relationship.

We need to balance our conscious and unconscious minds in order to learn and grow from our mistakes and failures, while facing our fears in our commitment to grow and develop.

We look forward to seeing you at our upcoming events:

Thursday, May 28th - Free Introductory Seminar May 28th in Beverly Hills. If you are in the LA area, join us for this intimate and private seminar. You MUST RSVP! Contact us for more information.

Our next Relationship Readiness Weekend is coming up on June 6-7, 2009. This is a powerful program guaranteed to provide you clarity and direction around relationships. Register here

Couples Weekend Retreat - BY APPOINTMENT ONLY - in Beverly Hills, CA - you receive 23 Intimate & Intense Hours of coaching. Contact us for more information.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Are You Communicating Unconsciously?

Growing up, men were unconsciously programmed to be more insensitive, destructive, driven, direct and in charge. These qualities are good for football, but not for a healthy relationship.

Women and men need to be equally balanced in male and female energy. A man can be more feminine, but he has to have a male-oriented woman who enjoys paying the bills and making decisions.

Examples of the unconscious communicating with us are reflected in our dreams and images. It communicates in an unconscious language like intuition, ESP, visions, daydreaming, unexplainable hunches, and synchronistic events.

Our everyday conversations come from our unconscious; try and remember what you are saying, the words you used and how long you talked.

We are unconscious about how many times our hearts beat and how many breaths we take in a day. How many times did you bat your eyes today? What was the temperature today? Who was the fifth person you talked to today?

We are unconscious human beings, living an unconscious life built on our experiences from the past. The past will predict your future, unless you are willing to live with fear and failure.

We'd love to hear your comments - please post them below!

Tuesday, May 26th - What You Must Know About Internet Dating - if you're one of the 44 million singles on the internet, you must attend this teleseminar! Register here!

Thursday, May 28th - Free Introductory Seminar May 28th in Beverly Hills. If you are in the LA area, join us for this intimate and private seminar. You MUST RSVP! Contact us for more information.

Our next Relationship Readiness Weekend is coming up on June 6-7, 2009. This is a powerful program guaranteed to provide you clarity and direction around relationships. Register here

Couples Weekend Retreat - BY APPOINTMENT ONLY - in Beverly Hills, CA - you receive 23 Intimate & Intense Hours of coaching. Contact us for more information.